Thursday, July 22, 2010

I love Gerard's brats!

Hey man, in case I don't get a chance to post when I get home, I'll be irresponsible and update you at work (which I should probably take more seriously since I wasn't paying close enough attention yesterday and let a classification mistake get by - who's got two thumbs and getting a security violation? This guy...) Anyway, still doing well on clean eats and hit 4/4 so far. Working out tomorrow morning and then stepping up the frequency next week to all five mornings of the exact same workout and see how that goes. 2nd work out was easier than the first and hopefully tomorrow feels even better. We have the command picnic tomorrow so I might use one of those as a non clean half day depending on whether or not they serve Brats...but I'm on watch and so won't be able to go anyway. Keep the motivation up and even though 12 RT sessions seems brutal, if it were easy, everyone would look like Gerard Butler in 300. Hope your test went well!

1 comment:

  1. Good for you man. Sounds like you've got a solid plan going there. The security violation sounds like a bad deal. Brats sound pretty good right about now. My tuna... not so much. Either made a high B or a low A on my test today, I plan on arguing a question.
